Things that make me Happy


Time for another round!
  • Oreos (I went through a mini-addiction... I think it came back this evening when I discovered there was no chocolate left in the house at all!)
  • Starbucks Hot Chocolate
  • Trips to the beach, with a wetsuit. So warm <3
  • Fuzzy slippers
  • Polaroid Cameras
  • The Clash
  • Watching South Park all day long
  • Not changing out of your PJs
  • Foggy days
  • Going out for a photo shoot
  • Planning out my dorm room
  • Damask patterns
  • Cats
  • Thor

Things that make me Happy

In an attempt to promote more positive thinking in the world, I'm drawing inspiration from Gala Darling's "Things I Love Thursdays". Great stuff, I suggest you hop on over there and drool over her blog! Anywho, My list for this week:
  • Jalamah Burgers
  • Boogie boarding off the California coast without a wetsuit
  •'s Minicards
  • Sprinkle Donuts
  • 5th Element
  • Photo manipulations
  • Cute Retro clothing
  • Visiting with old friends
  • Snakebites (the piercing) -Do want.
  • Smooth Criminal
  • Carnival Goldfish (I'm thinking of paying the $2 to try and win one tomorrow at the Flower Festival)
  • Making Cookies from the insta-cookie mix. Not as good as Grandma's, but still yummy!

School is out

It is summer.
I'm neglecting this blog.

I'll motivate myself some other time =\
Travis is here.
Life is good.

"You and me are going to be alright;
We're going to shake the ground,
We're going to smash the sky.

Imagine a place
Where dreams lead the way
And all of your colors fade the grey
Imagine the dream
Now close both your eyes
Fall into the violet skies"

Lloth, the Spider Queen


Sorry I haven't posted in pretty much forever. School has been hellish.
Besides all that nonsense, I have been reading R.A. Salvidor's Legend of the Drow series. Dear god, it is amazing. Epic. al;sdjkfalsdkjf
I loves it so much. I don't know how I haven't become obsessed with it sooner in my life. Everything about it.. om nom nom <3

But yes, I drew a pretty picture whilst not doing a project for one of my classes. I'm going to clean it up and submit it to a student art gallery, and hope I winz moniez.

Also. I think I'm going to go to art school. I'm sick of treating it like an unattainable dream just because I don't have the money. I'm going to find a way.

....anybody want to commission me? :D


My amazingly wonderful new tablet has finally come in! What ended up happening was this:
-We ordered it from Digital Graphics Resources
-They took out the money around 2 weeks after the order was placed
-They never sent us a shipping conformation. My mom called and was all "wtf"?
- They told us not to worry, and it would be sent out soon.
- Two weeks later, we call back. They say it is on its way
-A week later, we call back. They don't answer. This continues for 1-2 more weeks
-We decide we are fed up. Debit card is cancled, fraud is filed, tablet is ordered from and shipped (Yesterday)

That is all ok now. Those guys are a bunch of losers, and I have my super awesome new tablet.


Pencil Sketches


Here are some freebie sketches I did for some lovely people on Mene. Since I don't have my tablet yet, they're in pencil :P

Friggin Tablet

My tablet still isn't here. It has been over 3 weeks. 2 Weeks ago they took the money out of my mum's account. WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE?
I'm quite upset about this. Really now, this is one of the biggest objects that I've gotten in years, and I have been waiting way past their time range. Not to mention the fact that I need the wacom tablet pen for one of my CGT classes. Hell, I was even postponing posting here in my sketch blog, because you know, I've only had like 3 posts with sketches in it.

God damn people.

New Haircut!


Yup, I got a haircut... finally!
Here is an over-photoshooped image for you.

I like it, 'tis nice to have something new. I really needed all my over-bleached hair cut off. Quite badly. My neck is going to be really cold though! Friggin winter having to happen at college.

Ok.. I lie. I love winter. But still, you have to see my point.



Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap!!
I'm getting a new 9 x 12 Intuos 3 Wacom Tablet!!


This totally came out of the blue. I'm so excited I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I never dreamed of having this amazing beauty. Wanna hear the story? Sure you do, you're still reading! Ok ok, for my CGT 112 (Technical Sketching) we have to buy the cintiq/intuos pen to use on the Cintiq tablets they have in lab. Well, that is friggin $70 by its self. Sooo, I got to thinking, and pitched my briliant idea to my parents that instead of using that refund check for like... normal things, that I should invest in a new tablet and save a few bucks, because I wanted to replace my old crappy 4-years-of-abuse graphire 4x6 tablet. THEY ACTUALLY WENT FOR IT. FUCK YEAH.

I'm so exicted, I actually promised myself I would find time for the Daily Sketch Group over at Concept Art .Org. Awesome, no? I'm going to build my portfolio and life is going to be awesome :]
 Behold the sexiest man ever!
Yeah, that's right, 'tis my Travis. He's my better half, and I figure I would share a lovely photo of him playing a guitar in guitar center. He does this silly "I'm going to be grumpy when you take my picture" thing. I swear he actually smiles ;]


He makes my life awesome. Almost 2 years now, fooz!!
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Yeah you guessed it back, I'm back at school. Sucks major dildos, I'm telling you. I suppose seeing friends again is going to be nice, however I just wish I was still in California. :[

On the flip side, I got my scanner set up, so that means loads more sketches for you all. You all being the total of 0 people who actually read this blog. Comment on this to prove me wrong =\
Doesn't matter though, I do this for fun. Bloggin' is addicting.

I'm going to go to bed now...

I love photoshop


Here you go folks. Me being a photo-whore.
It was fun taking a break from leveling my warlock, and spitting out this over-photoshopped me. :]


Gasp, a new year!
It is so thrilling to be back in California. I've missed this place sooooo much. ALKJdlsjdflasjdf. I just got through with a 2 night camping fest, over just in time to greet the new year! I'm just chilling over at Nick's house, enjoying the usual perks of a week-long LAN. I've started up WoW again, now that school isn't bending me over, and I also have a bit of christmas art to work on (still xD ).
I'm still in love with my new pens. I already want to order a new set! They're so... clean. I've been drawing everything with them, I don't want to work with anything else! On the bright side, I've been putting this obsession to something amusing. I'm drawing "The Crew" in one awesome picture. It shall be epic.

Uh, not sure what else to say. I'm cold and tired. And I can't wait to sleep in a bed.